Only Home Cooked Meals

by Jeremy
(Lancaster PA)

We have a beautiful little Shih Tzu girl named Sophie. We started her on Blue Buffalo at 8 weeks old.

My wife and I already had a trip planned so we snuck her into our resort room when she was 10 weeks old. We couldn't leave her home or at a sitter at that age.

For our anniversary, we had a very expensive meal, which Sophie also enjoyed, Osso Buco (veal shanks) and the bone. Since that day, she refused the Blue Buffalo.

We immediately started feeding her low fat content raw burger which is her absolute favorite, home cooked chicken, never breaded, chicken livers, gizzards, hearts, beef hearts, which she loves. We cook her fresh green beans, peas, carrots, broccoli, spinach and potatoes.

Everything is steamed and unseasoned. She now eats 4.5 ounces twice a day. We have a small scale to weigh each portion to the gram and every meal has the same meat/veggie/starch ratio.

Sophie is now 5 months old and her health is superb. When we first brought her home, her nose was always runny, she snored loudly, her eyes gooped dark and thick, and she had a hard time going potty.

Now, her sinuses are clear, her fecal is better and non smelly, and her eyes only water normally and is light colored and more liquid than thick. Some say the raw is bad, some praise it, but she is happy, loved and healthy, and we won't change a thing about her diet.

She was the runt of the litter but now you would never know. She is not overweight at all and although to some blue buffalo may be the best dog food, nothing beats a good home cooked meal. If you have the time, which takes us about 4 hours to pack 3 weeks worth of meals, which we must warm up before she will eat it. After all, don't you warm up your meals?

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It's Not Unusual...
by: M.

It's not all that unusual for dogs to go a day without eating, it may be that they're tummy's don't feel well, and they will fast to try to make it right again.

If you notice your little ones stools a little runny, he may be getting too much chicken ;)

Shih Tzu turning down chicken breast and veg diet
by: Anonymous

My dog has gone off his food and will only eat it now and then I feel like he should eat every day so cook for him every day just I am wasting so much money on chicken and veg when he doesn't eat it I have to throw it away as cooked chicken only lasts for a day at most please can anyone help me on what to feed him so he is eating a meal every day or should I cook it when he goes to his dish this is what my partner is saying to me that he'll eat when he's hungry can anyone help me on what is best to feed as well as chicken breast so he isn't bored of the same thing every day or what food a Shih Tzu will not turn his nose up at

True information is shared
by: Bonnie R. Grimes

I enjoy seeing websites that understand the value of providing a prime resource for free. I truly loved reading your post.

Home Cooked is the Best
by: Molly

I agree that home cooked is the best way to go, but on those days when you don't have the time, or your on vacation, a good high quality commercial dog food will help keep your pups fed.

Our love
by: Anonymous

Our baby Haili began eating home cooked meals at 7. She had been on Iams until the recall. Some of the other foods smelled and looked disgusting. We treat our pets like our blood family.

Haili is fed unseasoned chicken livers, turkey dark meats frozen & fresh green vegetables. She gets ice cream & yams for desert. We also give her oatmeal for fiber with apples, cantaloupes, pears.

She is prone to skin disease. She is now 16 years old which is supposedly unusual for a Shih Tzu. She now has heart trouble. She is on medication & seem to be the same happy dog just slightly slower.

My daughter bought her a puppy stroller for days when distance walking is unwise. She is the love of our lives. When goes to sleep for the final time we plan to immediately get another Shih Tzu puppy. Of course we will rescue. Our family can't imagine her not being around.

I think feeding home cooked food is great
by: Marjorie Clark

I consider you and your husband great mom and dad for your little one.

I feed home cooked food for my little ones also. I mentioned something about feeding my dogs these chicken breasts to him and he said "I noticed you sure do buy a lot of chicken; didn't know it was for the dogs. :)

I adore my dogs also and want what is best for them even though it is quite expensive and takes a lot of time. But again---they are really worth it all.

Marjorie here in Bellville, TX

jeremy's letter
by: Anonymous

loved that letter must try some of that for my Shih Tzu

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Home Cooked Meals

by Aloha
(Honolulu, Hawaii)

We started with Beneful Dog Food for our dog. Then over time, he started to lose interest and hardly ate, which worried us.

We thought he could have been sick.

Then we started to prepare home-cooked food for our Shih Tzu, thinking we could give him tastier, yet still healthy, food.

He loves it but we are now concerned that just because he loves it does not mean the food choices we make are the best for health.

The advice and suggestions from other dog owners are many and vary so greatly that we're afraid we might be following the wrong suggestions.

It's scary to rely solely on other people's comments. But what choice do we have? I want to get him back on kibbles again with a little home-cooked food mixed in. Will the "wisest" and most successful Shih Tzu owners out there help us?

Our Shih Tzu is 9.4 lbs and 14 months old.

Which is the most well-balanced and most nutritious brand and type of kibbles should we feed him?
Is he a puppy or adult?
How much food per feeding?
How many times a day?

Thank you so much!

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Home Cooked Meals
by: Molly


I know it can be hard to figure out what advice to take or not, that's why I rely on those in the know. I've read Dr. Pitcairns Natural Health for Dogs book and Feed Your Best Friend and got some good recipes on complete meals.

It can be a little intimidating but really it becomes easier the more you do it. And the best thing to do is always ask a veterinarian if the food your given your dogs is a well rounded complete healthy meal.

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